Answer:3rd Spacing - Third-spacing
3rd Spacing - Third-spacing refers to the movement of fluid from the intravascular or intercellular space to tissue compartments, where it gets trapped and becomes useless. The patient will show signs and symptoms of hypovolemia with the exception of weight loss. There may be signs of localized enlargement of organ cavities (such as the abdomen) if they are filled with fluid, a condition referred to as ascites.
close reading
Closer reading in literary criticism is the deliberate, continuous comprehension of a short section from a text. A close reading emphasizes the individual and the particular over the general, achieved by paying close attention to specific words, the grammar, the sequence in which the phrases reveal concepts, and the systematic frameworks. Thus we can conclude that the given case relates to close reading.
From the 1340s to the nineteenth century, barring two brief interims during the 1360s and the 1420s, the lords and rulers of England (and, later, of Great Britain) likewise guaranteed the position of the royalty of France. The case dates from Edward III, who guaranteed the French position of royalty in 1340 as the sororal nephew of the last immediate Capetian, Charles IV. Edward and his beneficiaries battled the Hundred Years' War to implement this case and were quickly fruitful during the 1420s under Henry V and Henry VI, yet the House of Valois, a cadet part of the Capetian tradition, was, at last, successful and held control of France. Regardless of this, English and British rulers proceeded to unmistakably call themselves rulers of France and the French fleur-de-lys were incorporated into the regal arms. This proceeded until 1801, by which time France never again had any ruler, having turned into a republic. The Jacobite petitioners, in any case, did not unequivocally surrender the case.