Interest allows creditors to be paid for giving up Loans.
In a loan, the debtor must paid a specific amount that agreed upon the initial borrowing to the creditors over period of time in order for the creditors to gain profit from the process
hope this helps
Exactly.That's the way is actually is.
We call it Idiosyncrasy, these countries are not Canada: where people from this developed country still buy 2nd-hand clothes - don't misunderstand me, what I mean it's beyond belief it's a question of looking different and how other people look at you because it matters as one friend of Canada told me: quote- ..."for you it's still important to wear NEW clothes for Canada that's not important anymore".
Here in Latin America, They say: " You're treated the way you wear clothes".
This really just depends on how good you understand ancient Egypt, but if you can give examples of your knowledge of ancient Egypt but if you having trouble thinking of the word that describes it just ask your self if your good or don't have much trouble doing or understanding it.
Human life advances.
If there is development, then, humans would want to use the development, and in that way they are going to advance.
They do not hold in heat as much as like metal can