Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs) are currently being developed for agriculture. Currently commercialized GM crops in the U.
S. include soy (94%), cotton (90%), canola (90%), sugar beets (95%), corn (88%), and Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%). The use of GMO crops can reduce agricultural costs to farmers and provide greater crop-yields, possibly helping with issues of food shortages. Although this sounds great, there is still a lot of controversy around the use of GMOs. Which of these is a valid argument on why we should not use GMOs in our food? GMOs do not have any nutritional value
GMO crops are always more expensive to buy
There is not enough research on long-term effects of eating GMOs.
The engineered design plants utilizing GMOs or genetically modified organisms to be more nutritious, tougher, or taste much better. However, there is a concern regarding the pros and cons of utilizing GMOs. The creation of GMOs is done by presenting DNA or genetic material from a different organism via a procedure known as genetic engineering. The most presently available GMO foods are plants like vegetables and fruits.
As genetically engineered foods is a comparatively novel method, very less is known regarding the long-term influences and safety. The health issues related to GMO foods are a hot topic today. It is believed by some of the researchers that GMO foods may potentially trigger allergic reactions. Some believe that consuming GMO foods can result in the development of cancer.
Thus, there is not enough research on the long-term effects of consuming GMOs.
The kingdom that this specific organism would belong to is fungi. Why? Because almost all fungi heavily depend on autotrophs for energy. Fungi can also be multicellular.
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