True. Ascension was the 40th day after Jesus resurrected from the dead. After completing his God-given mission, he gave the task to his disciples to continue spreading the word to people.
When Jesus ascended the disciples went to Jerusalem and prayed for ten days as Jesus had commanded. During this event the Holy Spirit came to visit the disciples and made them speak in different tongues. This outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit is known as the Pentecost.
El 25 de mayo de 1810 es la fecha patria mas importante de la historia de la República Argentina, pues en dicha fecha se conformó el primer gobierno patrio, iniciando la Revolución de Mayo que comenzó el proceso independentista del entonces Virreinato del Río de la Plata, el cual culminó el 9 de julio de 1816 con la independencia de las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, hoy en día Argentina.
En esta fecha, patriotas rioplatenses depusieron al gobierno de la corona española comandado por el Virrey Cisneros, estableciendo una junta de gobierno criolla a cargo de Cornelio Saavedra y dando inicio a la Guerra de Independencia de Argentina.
Détente was the phase from 1967 to 1979 when Cold War tensions between the US and the Soviet Union were easing.
The period was marked by expanded trade and collaboration with the Soviet Union and the concerning the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. Nixon proclaimed his administration period to be an era of negotiations and after visiting China in 1972 he flew to Moscow, where he met with the Soviet leaders to ease out the tension between the two world powers. They addressed topics such as arms control, nuclear war prevention, and expanded trade between the two nations.
The French and Indian war is expensive.
The US, UK and USSR all rallied and allied to halt the spread of the Third Reich through Europe. This alliance broke down shortly after the end of the war.