Feudalismo: Un sistema político y económico de Europa desde el siglo IX hasta aproximadamente el siglo XV basado en la tenencia de todas las tierras en feudo o tarifa y la relación resultante de señor a vasallo y caracterizado por el homenaje, el servicio legal y militar de los inquilinos y la confiscación. ... Los vasallos estaban en una clase algo más alta que los campesinos.
So common sence is hard to come by but if you had no common sence back then you would either be poor or rich from the ideas and law suits
For then people wouldn’t feel bad and think of black people as human. They were like animals to europeans so they didnt care
People not allowed to criticise the government
Press is not supposed to have freedom and they display only what the government allows
People are not allowed to cast vote in otder to choose their leader
Trade Unions made by the workers are prohibited
The answer is d
but it seems as though the answer is in the question lol