There were about 12 estonians citizens for every soviet soldier
The Soviet Union invaded Estonia with around 100,000 soldiers, and by the time, the population of Estonia was around 1,200,000.
the Soviet Union immediately launched fraudulent elections where all the candidates were communists, then, Estonia was declared a soviet republic and join the Soviet Union. Opposition, intellectuals, and other noteworthy people were either executed, sent to gulags, or allowed to stay under strict surveillance.
the United States failed to ratify this treaty.
When the protocol was first signed in 1997, president Bill Clinton signed alongside all the other leaders. But Congress didn't ratify it and then in 2001, President George Bush Jr rejected the treaty altogether. Bush claimed that the protocol was inefficient, but did not take any alternative measures.
The protocol went into effect in 2004, but evidence shows it has been unable to curb the emission of CO2.
In 2013 there was another attempt, but this time neither Russia nor the US ratified it.
Establishes high schools : local
Issues licenses : state
Regulates international trade : federal