Answer: 1) scientific revolution that preceded industrial revolution and which took place in the European Nortwest (science free of religious dogmatism), 2) progressive rational/empiric philosophy of Enlightenment (economic and consequently also political liberalism), 3) free access to raw materials in colonies (Africa, Americas and Asia).
Explanation: Scientic revolution introduced (not completely but almost completely) a mechanistic and materialistic metaphor of the in the 19th century this perspective became predominant (soon after it was an organicist/Darwinian perspective), Enlightenment questioned divine rights of royal power (medieval and ancient idea) and introduced rights of man and consequently idea of society free of all economic and political limitations and then there were vast lands oveseas that could supply necessary material. What makes part of all that is French revolution, first machines and slavery (which abolished during the 19th century).
Truman’s policy was more defensive than offensive. This can be seen in the Marshall Plan where he used economically to rebuild war-torn as an incentive to promote democracy. Though he would not use military force, He vowed to support countries against communism and this was seen in the establishment of NATO as a deterrent to Russian expansion.
Rabelais, Shakespeare and Cervantes are all Renaissances writers who lived in Europe during the fifteenth century. Cervantes was a Spanish writer, Shakespeare was an English writer and Rabelais was a French writer. All three writers wrote about the issues of the day. Each writer had a profound influence on the society in his own country. They helped the citizens of their respective countries to understand the major issues in their society at the time they lived. This impacted the Renaissance movement throughout the whole of early modern Europe.