Answer:With the incorportation of the Roman ideas of a senate, veto power, a system of checks and balances, and term limits Posting the Laws of the Twelve Tables in the Forum made Rome's laws accessible to all of its citizens.
The case persisted through several courts and ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court, whose decision incensed abolitionists, gave momentum to the anti-slavery movement and served as a stepping stone to the Civil War.
speaker of the House of Representatives, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then the eligible heads of federal executive departments
USA = Philippines
Great Britain = 99% of the world
France = like 1 or 2 countries
Netherlands = I dont know
hey mate this is your answer
this is the main advantage of anthropology.
To obtain a deeper and more experienced insight of the activities performed in a society ,how people think and it also allows them to gain a good over veiw of how and why a society functions.
- information is accurate
- it enables historians. to determine the cultural past of a community
- information is easily obtain from the surrounding
- it compliments other sources.