is an action or series of actions that a microprocessor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), in a computer performs when it receives information.
Following is the program in the python language
st = 'sAN RaN' #String
print(st.lower()) #display into the lowercase
san ran
Following are the description of program
- Declared and initialized the string in the "st" variable .
- The lower function in python is used for converting the uppercase string into the lower case string .
- Finally in the print function we used lower function and display the string into the lower case
Answered below
aFile = open("books.txt", "r")
This code uses the function open() which takes two parameters. The first parameter is the file name while the second parameter is the mode in which you are accessing the file.
The "r" mode opens the file in a reading state. That is, you can only read from the file. This code completes the reading process )
The "w" mode opens the file so you can write to it and make changes.
The "a" mode opens the file so you can add contents to it.
While the words are positive space, you have two kinds of negative space in text passage. Micro-space refers to the small spaces between letters and words. Macro-space, however, refers to the spaces between the big or major elements in a design, like the space between lines and columns of text.