The crisis came about primarily because of an inefficient and unfair tax structure, outdated medieval bureaucratic institutions, and a drained treasury which was the result of aiding the Americans during the American Revolution, long wars with England, overspending, and an inequitable tax system which placed the burden of taxation on those least able to pay, the Third Estate.
Great Schism of 1054
The church in 1054 split into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox due to differences in religious and political beliefs that had been developing between the east (Eastern Orthodox) and the west (Roman Catholic).
tunisia promotes the status of women
Self-Determination : a principle in modern International Law Which stated that nations has the right to choose their Sovereignity and Political Status
This Ideas Created several Countries after the Treaty of Versailles was signed such as Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and the separation of Serbia and Montenegro
ok first of all his name is not jesus jesus is zeus the messhiach in the sriptures is yahoshuwah there are many parts to what he said but the three parts of learning is read learn and live