La diferencia simétrica de dos conjuntos A y B es el conjunto (A-B) ∪ (B-A) y se denota por A Δ B. es el conjunto de todos los elementos que pertenecen a A o B pero no a ambos.
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A cow arrives in the city of Acapulco. Visit Mexico after many years. She goes to Mexico because she likes to eat. When she gets to Acapulco, she just wants to eat. She is very hungry and that is why she just wants to eat. She goes to Carlos and Charlie's restaurant to eat. The cow reads the menu but she cannot understand it. She cannot understand it because it is written in French. The cow eats the menu because she is very hungry and then she goes to a very expensive restaurant in New York. She sits at a table in the corner. The cow reads the menu but she cannot understand it. It is written in English. The cow is very hungry and she goes to McDonald's in Vacaville, California. At McDonald's the menu is written in cow. The cow is very happy and she eats a lot.
I hope this helps you!
1. Mi equipo favorito ganó el partido.
2. Tú caminabas al centro comercial.
3. José preparó el almuerzo.
4. María y yo lavamos los platos.
5. ¿Encontraron ustedes los discos compactos?
6. Ustedes bucearon en el mar.
7. Yo trabajé mucho ayer.
8. Mis amigos y yo bailamos mucho en la fiesta.
9. Ellos hablaron por teléfono ayer.
10. Tomaron ustedes el sol en la playa?
In Spanish the past tense of verbs describes actions performed in the past tense, therefore, following the instructions we must transform the verbs in each sentence into past tense, this is achieved by identifying the person and the gender so that it is consistent with what is expressing itself at the moment of being conjugated.