Las siguientes observaciones están diseñadas como una especie de resumen de lo que sabemos con certeza ... corren más o menos paralelas a las de Jesús: Judas el Galileo, Jesús Barrabás, Teudas, ... (Three Rivers Press, 2001), que toma su punto de vista del gnosticismo (no un ... (Jesús el Nazareno: Mito o Historia, Londres, 1926, p. 72).
The first one says to look at the clothes
Second one is clean
Third is shop for things
And last one is talk with your friends.
I’d say it’s Limpiar
Destination. In Spanish, por and para can be used to describe travel or motion. A simple rule to remember when to use the two prepositions is that por refers to travel/motion through a place or location while para refers to the destination of a journey. Salimos por la puerta.
<span>Because when a force is applied to an odgeto that is on the table it first displaces and then stops???? Was that to translate to English?