The answer is Except their water.
Amazon Rain forest is rich in Oil, Medicinal Plants, and it create about 20 % of world's oxygen, but people around the world doesn't rely on their water so much
The Forum of Rome was an area surrounded by government buildings, area for elections, speeches, trials, and the buying and selling of goods. This can be compared to modern-day Capital of the United States Washington D.C. which is often referred to as the center of US government.
The traditional instutions and values is based on people taking care of their ownselves in order to move toward the higher economic strata.
The new circumtances on the other hand, encourage people to help others in distributing their wealth so we as a whole society could move together to the higher economic strata.
The languages spoken in the Caribbean are mostly either European langauges (which shows that those areas were conquered by Europeans) or European-based creoles (which shows that the conquest was more "messy" than in the US: there was less strict connection with the European countries and more mixing among peoples).
Indigenous languages are no longer spoken(or by very few people), which shows the fate of the indigenous people there...
It is A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!