Over fishing can affect the seas
Indian subcontinent was the source of major religions including Hinduism, Jainism Buddhism and Sikhism. We have listed below the religions with the most followers in order: (1) Christianity: About 2.3 billion followers. About 50% of Christians are Roman Catholics.
The primary case of Nigeria's water pollution would be oil spills.
Silk Roads, Sea Roads, and Sand Roads?
The desire of elites for hard-to-find luxury items
from distant parts of the Eurasian network, as well as
the accumulation of wealth, especially among
merchants who participated in the trade, motivated
long-distance commerce. Sustaining the commerce were the support of empires and smaller states that benefited directly from the trade; the spread of religious traditions, including Islam and Buddhism, that through shared beliefs tied merchants and sometimes whole societies together over wide regions; and the development of technologies like larger ships and the magnetic compass.