Too much power in the central government
Around 1 million years ago, the first of a few glaciers moved south into what is now Ohio. Approximately 2/3 of the state was covered to their maximum extent. Glaciers scraped a lot of Ohio's surface, including its bedrock. They also left deposits of clay, sand, gravel, and rock as they melted back. During this period, humans appeared in what we now call the "Old World." At some point around the end of the Quaternary Period, groups of people migrated to the "New World," and eventually reached what would later become Ohio.
<span>Refugees are people that choose to leave their home countries for the reason of civil wars, conflicts within races and resulted them to be disorganized etc.. There are two types of refugees.
1. People running away from civil wars and look free place to settle (peaceful)
2. People from the countries often suffer from natural disasters like tornados, vulcanic, floods and more</span>
Separatist rebellion in the East When Ukraine's Moscow-friendly president was driven from office by mass protests in February 2014, Russia responded by annexing Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula. It then threw its weight behind an insurgency in the mostly Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine region known as Donbas.