B-It marked the beginning of the end of the Axis powers in North Africa.
"No man's land" was full of barbed wire, machine guns, artillery, and land mines.
Many countries looked toward a more cooperative world by creating league of nations
Yes because back then, India was a colony of England and basically owned by a company called the East India company with military enforcement. The people had no representation and also were forced to pay taxes such as the salt tax that ghandi famously went against during the salt March.
Likewise, the united states back then was also a colony of India and had no representation as well as had to pay taxes from laws such as the stamp act. Their values in fighting for independence and free reign were very similar. So yes.
Millions of people moved during the Industrial Revolution. Some simply moved from a village to a town in the hope of finding work whilst others moved from one country to another in search of a better way of life. Some had no choice, transportation was a punishment for some crimes.