The idea of active citizenship
China didn't have anything to do with citizenship, cities like Athens and Sparta had laws about citizenship and what a citizen could do and what a non-citizen could and couldn't do. China didn't have anything like that at the time/\.
Antoine-Henri Jomini
Antoine-Henri Jomini wrote a famous book on military strategy conceived by a great leader.
-Antoine-Henri Jomini was the most celebrated writer on the Napoleonic art of war. Jomini was present at most of the most important battles of the Napoleonic Wars. He drew on his experience in the armies of French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte to write the first systematic study of military strategy.
The answer is Sanford B. Dole
America's economic strength influenced its policies toward Europe during the nineteen twenties. In fact, one of the most important issues of this period was the economic aid the United States had provided European nations during World War One.