Uncle Tom's Cabin is a novel on the topic of anti-slavery, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This book is credited with raising concerns with slave trade leading up to the civil war in America.
Before the civil war, many people were in support of slave trade, because they did not know the extent to which the slaves were treated. This book highlights the indecencies slaves had to put up with, and puts emphasis on the need for change. So that slaves can be seen as people, and not as property. Many people are unable to treat others badly if they acknowledge the feeling and humanity of the victim.
The Washington Monument is built in the shape of an Egyptian Obelisk.
There would be no power to use your fridge or freezer, telephone lines would be down and phone signal lost. Your mobile phones will be useless as the battery dwindles, with no back up charging option. Your gas central heating won’t work and your water supply would soon stop pumping clean water.
It sometimes takes a lot for some people to realise that without electricity it isn’t just internet and Wi-Fi that is affected, it also means no cash machines, no lifts, no power to keep the factories going, and no petrol pumps. It is seen as the end of normality as we know it.
Two critical things we need in our life are heating and water, and without electricity, these are both compromised. The gas central heating in our homes works with electric controls and circulating systems and pumps. Water systems are dependent on electrically managed systems and pumps, so even if water is still accessible in your home, you would still have to purify it before drinking.
John Dewey, American educator, wrote the very influential book called "Democracy and Education". He was a wise man with strong political and social issues, that's why his ideas are considered to be the most influential in education and social reform throughout the educational history of America. He is often associated with a terms of pragmatism and functional psychology.
Dante's poem, the Divine Comedy written in the 14th-century, reflect Christian beliefs in the Middle Ages in many ways:
1. Life after death - Dante in his sickbed went to hell and saw it for himself in first person with a Roman poet, Virgil. They saw how the dead went back to life in hell. They suffered there, they were tortured there, and they were executed there but since they don't die anymore, the process is in perpetuity.
2. Purgatory, hell, and heaven - Dante, in his sickbed travelled to hell, purgatory, and later heaven before he came back to his senses.
3. satan, devils, angels, saints, and God - Dante saw devils in his travel to hell. At the very bottom of hell, he saw the frozen satan. In his way to heaven, he saw the saints. Later, he saw God as three equally sized circles symbolizing the Father Son and Holy Spirit.