He re-hauled and rewrote the criminal and civil procedure codes because the old ones were archaic and represented old times. The codes were more accessible to people and modernized according to enlightenment philosophies. He also introduced codes about education which resulted in numerous new schools and universities being opened.
One of the reasons why there was a need for reform in the US during the mid-1800s is because the US was expanding economically at a rapid pace, as well as expanding to the west, and there was practically no government oversight of growth--which led to people and firms being taken advantage of.
Answer:Later, she wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin in reaction to recently tightened fugitive slave laws. The book had a major influence on the way the American public viewed slavery. The book established Stowe's reputation as a woman of letters. She traveled to England in 1853, where she was welcomed as a literary hero.
Lost their jobs, homelessness increased, people went hungry