Checks and Balances is a system most commonly found in a constitutional style of government , usually with three levels of power allocation … the executive branch , the legislative branch , and the judicial branch .
The legislative branch can `` check ‘’ the executive branch by rejecting the President's veto of a legislative action …this is known as an override . A two third vote in each legislative chamber ( House of Representatives and Senate ) is required to override a Presidential veto .
The Senate can reject a treaty that the Executive has signed ; a two thirds vote in the Senate is required to formally enact a treaty .
The Senate must approve Executive appointments to cabinet , and the Federal Judiciary .
The ultimate check for the legislative branch is the power to impeach and remove the president . The House of Representatives acts as prosecutor , and The Senate acts as jury . The House of Representatives drafted articles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon in 1974 , but Nixon resigned the office of the presidency before he was formally impeached .
The override of a presidential veto has rarely taken place . Only ten percent of presidential vetoes have been rejected by the legislative branch in American history .
To establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity.
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1610 - Sir Samuel Argall names the Delaware Bay after Virginia governor Sir De La Warr. 1631 - The first European settlement is built by the Dutch. They are wiped out within a year by Native Americans. 1638 - The first permanent settlement, Fort Christina, is established by the Swedish.