Conservatives: ((Didn't want equal rights for the Slaves. Wanted to punish the South.))
Radicals: ((Wanted to remake the South in the Norths image. Land redistribution to make former slaves independent.))
Moderates: ((Oppose harsh punishments, bring back states into the Union as swiftly as possible.))
The British Empire expanded and also included majority of India, large parts of Africa and other territories over the world.
<u>The answer is California.</u>
According to most recent census data, <u>there are more than 100 separate reservations or Rancherias in California</u>. 362,801 Native Americans from 109 federally recognized Indian tribes and from 78 additional entities that are asking for recognition, live in these reservations. Indigenous culture, customs, habits, and traditions are still practiced on the Native American reservations.
The act of staying out of the affairs of other countries, speaking in history terms.