In prehistoric times many songs were preformed as rituals for rain or fertility; however, in modern day many songs are the artists reliving memories or learning from experiences.
Miss Caroline Fisher, Scout's new and inexperienced young teacher, represents change in the education system and new teaching methods. She also represents the idea of the outsider who comes into Maycomb and does not understand the people or the community.
From a teacher's perspective, the first day is always EITHER exciting or CRAZY. I really think that it is all about the attitude that the teacher has towards students in general. Either we love our students or we should not teach. A teacher should be compassionate and understanding, yet also strong and courageous. Allowing the students to be the ones who really educate the teacher about life, love, and daily struggles, can be the most important perspective that a teacher must have. I learn more each and every year based on the population of students that I am blessed to teach.
I would think that this new teacher would want to have people like her, but she would have to learn the ropes about being firm and consistent right off the bat. If for some reason, the teacher in this story does not ATTEMPT to understand the people and the community, she will never be successful. A successful teacher tries to touch a life each and every day. Even though this lady was an outsider and people probably did not trust her - or even LIKE her, had to be hard. Respect is given and can be received. The first day of school is so important when giving that first impression. No matter what people say, the first impression is important.
Scout turned out okay, so life in Maycomb can go on.
Jean-Antoine Watteau is the founder of the French Rococo style of painting.
When <span>Jean-Antoine Watteau </span>submitted the piece "<span>The Embarkation for Cythera" from 1717 </span>to the Royal Academy of Painting, the Academy was so impressed that it created a new category of subject matter to accommodate the painting.
it is amazing
it is very funny it will make you laugh so hard