They arrived because they wanted to warn John Proctor that their wives being arrested. ... He arrived to arrest Elizabeth Proctor and to search the house for any poppets. He is a warrant and is the person that arrests the accused.
In Act Two, it becomes frighteningly apparent that the accusations of witchcraft have gotten out of control. Elizabeth Proctor tells John at the beginning of the act that "there be fourteen people in jail," but by the time that Mary Warren gets home at the end of the day, that number has increased to "thirty-nine." It becomes personal when Herrick and Cheever show up at the Proctor's door to arrest Elizabeth, on suspicion of sending her spirit out to stab Abigail in the stomach with a needle. So, Elizabeth Proctor is chained and put in a wagon with a lot of other women, to be taken to the jailhouse.
Francis Nurse and Giles Corey are also victims to the out-of-control accusations that are occuring; the same night that Elizabeth is arrested, their wives, Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey are arrested too. Rebecca is arrested for the "supernatural murder of Goody Putnam's babies," and Martha Corey for supposedly bewitching a guy's pigs so that they keep dying. Francis and Giles go to Proctor, because they are seeking help--they want to find a way to get their wives freed. They had already gone to the jailhouse but they weren't allowed to see their wives, so they come to John's house, desperate to come up with some sort of solution to get their wives released, as they are innocent of any crime.
John wants to help, but tells them to go home that night and that they will "speak on it tomorrow." He needs time to think, to sort everything out in his head. The next act shows the three men coming to the courts, and trying over and over to free their wives and friends.
In the poem “On Turning Ten” written by Billy Collins, the writer developed the central idea by writing about certain memories of their past and explains that as time passes they grew and got much more mature mindset.In the title of the poem, the first and second line says “The whole idea of it makes me feel like I’m coming down with something”. This shows how the idea of turning ten does not please the author. It also said in the fourth paragraph first line, “This is the beginning of sadness…” this shows that the author must be going through something for him to be so melancholic at such a young age.
Ok I hope this helps!!!
Mechanics, each one singing his as it should be, blithe and strong
•Young fellows, robust, friendly
Parallelism occurs when balance is given to phrases within a sentence that have the same structure.
An adjective is a part of speech that is used to describe a noun or a pronoun in a sentence.
Therefore, the texts in the passage from "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman that uses adjectives to enhance the effects of parallelism are "Mechanics, each one singing his as it should be, blithe and strong
•Young fellows, robust, friendly"
The correct answer is B.
When Pi tells the second, more brutal account of what happened, the reader understands how important storytelling is to Pi and how changing the events into a story helped him survive. Furthermore, we can see how Pi had a will to live even in the face of certain death.