1. The cat has been running
2. The people have been jumping
3. The cars had stalled
4. Denise had slept
5. The families will have danced
6. The teacher will have read
"she expressed<em> them </em>imperfectly”
The speaker is not complying with concord. Her reference is ,realised by <em>them</em>, ambiguous. <em>Them</em> lacks any reference if we move backwards in the excerpt. We may assume <em>them</em> refers to what she had to say,but <em>it</em> shoudl have been used , instead. However, <em>them</em> may refer to <em>thoughts</em> that comes later in the excerpt:"She expressed<em> them</em> imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect.", in these sentences ,which are not coherently linked , we infer that <em>them</em> is referring to <em>thoughts.</em>
that is Figurative language
Figurative language creates comparisons by linking the senses and the concrete to abstract ideas - Alex :)
I'd read fanfics, fangirl over them, watch a ton of anime, and enjoy myself with stuff like that! How about you?
Internel should be internal, diesil should be diesel, combinasion should be combination, presurised should be pressurized, eficiently should be efficiently.