The formula for calculating mean arterial pressure is MAP= diastolic (systolic-diastolic) /3.
In the second picture, the answer is A to attach to a host cell.
In the third, the fourth and the fifth the answer is D.
The name comes from a latin word meaning to glue or bind together. DNA ligase catalyses the joining of DNA fragments (usually those produced by restriction enzymes). Thus different genes can be put into vectors and moved into other hosts.
The loading dose of N-acetylcysteine is 8,700 mg (150 mg per 55 kilograms).
The complete cycle of treatment with N-acetylcysteine comprises 3 consecutive intravenous infusions, distributed as follows:
1 infusion: Initial dose of 150mg / kg of body weight in 200 ml of solution to pass in one hour.
2 infusion: 50 mg / k of weight in 500 ml of solution to pass in 4 hours
3 infusion: 100mg / kg of weight in 1000ml to pass in the following 16 hours.