<span>d. "And that which should accompany old age, / As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends, / I must not look to have"
Macbeth is saying that he should not seek (or "look to have") things that old people would usually have (things "which should accompany old age"), such "As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends," etc.</span>
Dear (said friend),
Hey, I hope your well, I know we haven't talked in a while so im sending his letter to "break the ice". I also wanted to tell you that I got a scholarship and im going to be doing study abroad in Paris! Im actually on the plane while im writing this so by the time you get this ill be sending you another postcard/letter of all the wonderful things im going to see and explore. Well I have to get off my plane now but let me know how youve been. Miss ya.
from (your name here)
I personally do not think that it was fair for them to say this, either to Romeo or to women. Gender stereotypes were a lot more prevalent in the 13- and 1400s than they are now. People expected more of men than they did of women — they were not supposed to show weakness or sorrow.
(Do not copy answer word for word, you'll get busted for plagiarism! These are just ideas to work off of :D)
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