Second Generation: transistors
Third Generation: integrated circuits
First Generation: vacuum tubes
Generations of computers are categorized based on the technologies that were used in them.
Given innovations or technologies are:
Transistors were introduced in the second generation in place of vacuum tubes.
<u>integrated circuits
Integrated circuits were introduced in the third generation. An IC consists of multiple transistors.
<u>vacuum tubes:</u>
The very first generation of computers used vacuum tubes to do the calculations. the only drawback was that the tubes used to heat up very soon.
Second Generation: transistors
Third Generation: integrated circuits
First Generation: vacuum tubes
Open source is created and updated by a worldwide community of programmers and is available for free. Many students are in luck, as they can easily study publicly accessible codes and have a possibility to make better software. It also has lots of advantages, such as getting <span>high-quality results when the source code is passed around, tested and fixed.The most important thing - it<span> is a valuable learning opportunity for programmers and opportunity to improve their skills.</span></span>
Cryptography, like digital signatures, is used to accomplish nonrepudiation, which also includes services for authentication, auditing, and logging.
Digital signatures in online transactions make assurance that a party cannot later dispute the sending of information or the validity of its signature. Alice can encrypt the communication using her own Private Key. As a result, only her public key, which she is aware Bob (and everyone else) has access to, may be used to decrypt her message. Bob receives the message, and he uses Alice's public key to decrypt it. Secret key cryptography (symmetric encryption): To encrypt and decrypt given messages, both the sender and the receiver must use the same key.
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10000 possible PINs.
Considering the fact that only numbers are permitted (0 - 9) which gives 10 characters and also that the digits can be repeated, the total number of possible PINs that are possible is 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10000
b) The elevator prioritizes the requests that are on the way where it’s going, but also based on a first come first served principle.
Elevator routing often looks complex, as the elevator has to decide whether to go to the person who has waited the longest or the one who is closest? There are also issues of how long should the rider spend.
A simple algorithm can be designed where the elevator prioritizes the requests that are on the way where it’s going, but also based on a first come first served principle. Once it exhausts the request in its current direction, it then switches directions if there are requests in that direction. This way the elevator is able to tackle the complex issue based on the simple algorithm.