distinctive competence
The distinctive competence denotes the various characteristic of certain business on which behalf that business perform better than its competitors. And since the business succeeds in doing those things better than its competitors, that business gains a competitive advantage over its competitors. And here, Bob's assembly is a hardware manufacturer for the doors, cabinets, windows and the bathrooms. And his assembly products are more durable and economical than its competitor's products. And thus Bob has a competitive advantage over its competitors.
Unsure that if your visiting a site, that it is a secure website or don't download anything unless you know for sure that it is safe
Networking components will eventually interact with computers and devices outside of itself. Whereas during system development you are only interacting with your program internally.
For example, when you first work on a website you can begin working on it on your personal computer not connected to the outside world. When you are done working on your website you will now upload it to a webserver (or you will create your webserver) and now you are opening up the doors so to speak to the Internet. When you "open the door" you need to make sure the proper security is in place so that no one hacks your site. This is ussually done by making sure the webserver you are on does not have any known security vulnerbilities and has the proper firewall settings to prevent unauthorized access.
If you save the input as num,
this will print the input 8 times.
num = input("Enter a number: ")
print(num * 8)
If you want to do actual math calculations,
then the input needs to be a number.
num = float(input("Enter a number: "))
print(num * 8)
This doesn't account for any errors in which the user doesn't input a number, but I don't think that's what you were looking for anyway :)