The wide area of dry land that borders the southern edge of the Sahara.
Mary Douglas Leakey was recognized in her lifetime as one of the world’s most distinguished fossil hunters. In 1974 Mary BEGINS work at Laetoli, 30 miles from Olduvai Gorge. It is here that Mary and her team found amazingly well preserved hominid footprints in volcanic beds, known as tuffs. The footprint tuff of 1976 has a potassium argon date of 3.5-3.8 mya, evidence of upright walking that supported Donald Johansen's find, Lucy, also known as Australopithecus Afarensis, though Mary Leakey has rejected this( she believe that the belong to the genus homo). Eighty feet of trail had been uncovered by 1979, leaving researchers to speculate that it was three hominids, possibly a family, that left their mark millions of years ago.
Often there will actually be strong personal power and personal possessions disguised by an elite claiming to speak for “everyone”.
<em>Why did King George III strictly enforce the Navigation Acts?</em>
A) Britain wanted to expand trade and needed more resources from the colonies..
<em>Britain was losing money in trade with the colonies. Britain wanted to expand trade and needed more resources from the colonies. Britain wanted the colonies to pay for part of the cost of the French and Indian War. George II wanted to show the colonies his power.</em><em>European nations during the 17th- and 18th-centuries believed in the economic theory of mercantilism. In a mercantilist system, there is believed to be a limited amount of wealth in the world. One nation's gain was another's loss. Thus, monarchs sought to tightly control trade within their colonies.</em>
The Cuban Missile Crisis. The fear on both sides was that someone would push a button and all out war (perhaps the end of the planet as we understand it) would result. Both countries had ICBMs but America's were better. They could hit Russia. Russia had no real answer and Cuba is too small a defensive position. So Khrushchev blinked and took his threat home. It didn't take her long to catch up but by that time the political situation altered.