Some of the things that worms eat include dead plants, live plants, dead animals, animal poop, and other microscopic animals. After they eat, they grind up and digest their food and pass the rest as waste, called castings, which go back into the soil and help plants grow and stay healthy.
Whale skeletons support so much life because they contain an enormous amount of oil. Before this happens, they must release enough eggs or larvae so that some tiny proportion will be transported by the ocean currents and survive until they can find and colonize another whale carcass.
Poor planning, and disease
The obstacles that the French faced while attempting to build a canal across Panama were diseases and poor planning. The French dealt with constant outbreaks of malaria and yellow fever, which slowed construction and caused the deaths of thousands of workers. The French also did not take into consideration the geographical differences between the Suez Canal region and the Panama region. The French had succeeded in building a canal at sea level in Egypt, and they mistakenly thought a similar design would work in Panama. However, the difference in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean sea levels, as well as the difference in elevation of the Panamanian terrain, prevented them from building a sea-level canal. The United States knew about these two problems when they undertook the project. They took preventative measures by reducing the disease-spreading mosquito population and using a canal-lock system to overcome the elevation obstacle in Panama.
The garbage patchs are a site with high concentrations of trash. They are formed by the ocean gyre, where the ocean have convergences zones forming a circle of currents. When the garbage join the circle, it can't go out, cause the currents make a kind of a permanent "wall".
We can locate garbages patchs in the South Atlantic Gyre, Indian Ocean Gyre and the South Pacific Gyre.
This is because it is always hot and dry in the deserts, so plants and animals are <u>adapted</u> to that. Hope this helps!