Answer is: <span> at least $30 million in dormant bank accounts opened before the end of World WarII.
Dormant bank accounts </span>is declared when bank can not contact the holder. When <span>account turns dormant, interest, will be credited to savings account regularly.</span> Some Jewish organizations claimed that uncovered money in 1995 belonged to Jews before World War II.
Answer:Tomochichi and the Yamacraw were invaluable resources during the early years of the colony. Tomochichi helped the colonists lay out roads, including the first one from Savannah to Darien (or New Inverness) to the south.
Maritime history of Europe includes past events relating to the northwestern region of Eurasia in ... Roman galleys helped to build the Roman Empire. ... The volume of trade that the Roman merchant fleet carried was larger than any other ... and the galleon, where for the first time in history maritime navigation was possible.
Yeah, it might be! Who knows.?