low pay from factory workers, no chance to got to school, and long days at work.
The immigrants at Ellis Island were treated more equally than those at Angel Island. ... The main ethnic groups that came through Ellis Island were English, Irish, Italian, and Polish. ANGEL ISLAND. Immigrants at Angel Island were not treated fairly.
Climate describes what the weather is like over a long period of time (like a couple of years) and in a specific region. Weather is the short term, day-to-day changes.
Before a bill is a bill, it is an idea, then a bill, and from there it needs a sponsor, or a few, from the House of Representatives, and from there it is then introduced into the House of Representatives, then it goes to the Committee who revise, review, and research the bill. It's then sent back to the House, debated/voted upon, where it goes to the Senate, from the Senate to the President, he signs it, and thus the bill becomes a law.