He would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could if a wood chuck could chuck wood :)
Mrs. Sparks cares about what is taught in schools because she is a parent of a child in the school system and therefore has a right to protect what she views as her child’s best interests.
1. If any one ensnare another, putting a ban upon him, but he can not prove it, then he that ensnared him shall be put to death.
2. If any one bring an accusation of any crime before the elders, and does not prove what he has charged, he shall, if it be a capital offense charged, be put to death.
4. If he satisfy the elders to impose a fine of grain or money, he shall receive the fine that the action produces.
I just found the laws with their consequences. Hope this helps
The Hartford Convention
"This mostly Federalist convention in New England ended up suggesting some constitutional amendments but was alleged to consider the secession of New England from the Union and a separate peace with Britain. After the war the convention was widely viewed as an act of treason and a black mark on the reputation of the Federalist party."
StackExchange - History