The rhyme scheme of stereo hearts is AABB, while A Red Red Rose follows the ABCB rhyme scheme, it uses an Iambic trimeter in which there are three iams for line: for example that’s sweetly played in tune. They both are talking about love
they both use simile, in Stereo hearts: “Just keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune.”
In A Red Red Rose: “O my Luve is like a red, red rose”
While in A Red Red Rose the first and the second stanzas have the same structure, but different to the second and third stanzas which share the same structure
In stereo hearts: just the 3rd and the 7th stanza share the same pattern and there are not many patterns in this song.
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External source of recruitment
Internal source of recruitment does not provide new blood as it implies re-hiring, promoting, or transferring persons who are already working or have worked for the company. So, external source of recruitment is needed to bring <em>new blood</em> into the organization. That can be achieved in multiple ways, as the external source suggests people joining the organization through recommendations, then there are employment agencies whose occupation is finding all sorts of candidates. Also, companies can visit schools and colleges in order to find new candidates. Companies can advertise job positions to the wide public, they also can hire candidates who are not so skilled right now, but can learn in the future. So, there are some of the most spread ways of finding new candidates and bringing <em>new blood</em>.
The question ask to state what do the speaker have in common in the sonnets "Whoso List to Hunt" by Sir Thomas Wyatt and "Sonnet 30" by Edmund Spenser and the common of them is that they are both desire women who didn't return their feelings. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more
An antonym for precursor is successor .
An antonym for interjection is long discourse .