Answer: hey dude !!!
in these above lines it's said that Freddie and christpher was two person walking on down the street to schl and suddenly they came to and interaction and stopped ... they noticed a truck will high speed and passes them ... and behind that truck there was a police car ... Nd light and sirens of the police car was on ... they also starting running after the car for few minutes or for a while ... then they become tied and stop running and suddenly a reminder comes in there mind to go to schl .... and after returning from the schl at night ... they saw a news in the TV about that same incident that there was robbery in the bank and there had been a high speed chase and those persons who tries to flee the police caught early.
One difference is in the book the characters soda and sandy were heavily involved, while in the movie soda and sandys relationship is mentioned maybe once. Also in the movie it shows the brothers parents being vividly killed in a car and train crash while in the book it is just said to be an auto accident. In the movie Dally robs a store and gets hurt, while in the novel he robs the store over the phone.
"I" is in regards to yourself, you and any humans name are proper nouns that you go by. "a" is not a proper noun it is describing the quantity or the subject of the matter, Ex- [I] love it when [a] cool summer day takes place in my area.
{Bad sentence, sorry}
Wow...asking for wayyy too much