It will be easy about me, why do you think? As an independent sovereign Ivan lll began to behave towards the Tatars. In 1476. He refused to pay them an annual tribute and entered into an alliance with the Crimean Khan, an enemy of the Golden Horde. Standing on the Ugra (1480) put an end to the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The Russian state acquired formal sovereignty.
<h2> The Supreme Court voids a new tax because it unconstitutionally targets religious minorities.</h2>
everything is shared amongst a group of individuals, making it impossible for one individual superior to another.
Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression. Sports provided a distraction from the Depression. Also new forms of expression flourished in the culture of despair. The Great Depression brought a rapid rise in the crime rate as many unemployed workers resorted to petty theft to put food on the table.
True, in order to make their mercantilist economy succeed Britain needed to import raw materials from its colonies