Tectonic Forces
Rocks are under stress when they are subjected to a force at depth. When the rocks are exposed at the surface after uplift and erosion, the effects of the stress can be studied. Stressed rocks show varying degrees of strain—the change in the volume and/or shape of the rock because of that stress. For example, a volcanic agglomerate may be compacted and its pyroclastic fragments stretched (strained) in response to a tectonic stress, such as compression.
1868 years
The Persians lost against the Greeks in 479 BCE (which stands for Before Common Era or Before Christ). On the other hand, the Serbs were conquered by the Turks in 1389 CE (Common, modern Era).
Self esteem is how you good you feel about yourself, no matter what others think.
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One main similar thing between the Catholic Reformation and the Protestant Reformation was that both addressed concerns with the practices of the Catholic Church. Both the parties had the same solution through the practice of Catholic Church.
The aim of both the reformations (protestant and Catholic) was to correct the things which were seen in the church such as abuse or problems. However, what each party (Protestant and Catholic) considered problems and how they addressed them was not the same.