The sugar molecules in the marshmallow are being changed into carbon. Sugar can be changed into water molecules. When you toast marshmallows, the heat causes a chemical reaction producing water molecules which then evaporate, leaving the carbon behind.
The lowest starting height the skater can be so that he complete the loop is 6 meters.
a) 1:B; 2:C; 3:A; 4:B; 5:C
Primary fuel source for tissues can be defind as the source of energy required for proper functioning of different tissues.
Brain consider glucose, a form of sugar to fuel cellular activities. Food provide glucose energy and through blood brain cell recieves the glucose.
Primary fuel source in resting skeletal muscle are glucose, fatty acids, amino acids that depends on the muscular activity and further participate in the citric acid cycle for oxidation to CO2.
Primary fuel of heart is fatty acids which carry important beta-oxidation equipment and serve as fuel for heart functions.
Glucose is the primary source of energy for adipose tissue which on breakdown contribute to ATP synthesis.
Liver utilises fatty acids, glucose and amino acids as primary fuel source. When glucose is present in high quanity, it converted into fatty acids.
Hence, the correct option is a) 1:B; 2:C; 3:A; 4:B; 5:C
Atoms are so small that it is difficult to believe that all matter is made from atoms—but it is. The concept that atoms play a fundamental role in chemistry is formalized by the modern atomic theory, first stated by John Dalton, an English scientist, in 1808.