because the solid ice will sublime into gas
b. Engineers should consider how much pollution their devices create because of how human health is affected.
Anthropocentrism, is a worldview that argues that humans are more important and significant that any other entities or species in the world. This view point argues that humans possess greater intrinsic values compared to other species; this viewpoint sees humans as superiors while other entities are inferior to them and hence can be used by humans for their own benefit.
Therefore the anthropocentric viewpoint as it relates to environmental ethics implies that engineers should consider how much pollution their devices create because of how human health is affected.
he organisms that can fix energy from inorganic sources into organic molecules are called autotrophs. Organisms that cannot make their food from inorganic sources but depend on energy rich organic molecules synthesized by autotrophs for their energy needs are called heterotrophs.
The only source of energy for all the ecosystems of the earth is the sun. Light falling on the plants is trapped by the producers or autotrophs in the presence of chlorophyll and is used in synthesizing the organic food called glucose by the process of photosynthesis. By photosynthesis radiant energy of sunlight is transformed into potential energy of food. A part of this energy is trapped by the producers while the rest of the energy is dissipated. The remaining part of energy which is used in the synthesis of plant biomass is called photosynthate which is then available to the next trophic level in the food chain that is the consumers or heterotrophs. In an ecosystem there is a unidirectional flow of energy.