Difficult—> complex
Think—> realize
Big—> prominent
Make—> manufacture
- It has iambic pentameter.
Blank verse is elucidated as the literary device that involves a regular iambic pentameter(consists of five iambic feet(an unstressed or short syllable followed by a stressed or long syllable)).
In the given excerpt from Robert Frost's 'Mending Wall', <u>the use of 'iambic pentameter'(five metrical feet') makes it fall in the category of blank verse and helps the poet to create the desired rhythm and mood to convey the intended message effectively</u> ('remove the barriers(walls) that prevent socialization or human interaction) to the audience<u>.</u> The poet feels that 'walls are not good for humans as it promotes isolation and segregation.
The themes of the book include morality and womanhood. Cassy commits infanticide not because she wanted to do it but because she had no choice. She was a slave and that meant she did not have the capacity to raise the baby. Despite this, she still made her decision to kill the baby and that shows her 'moral weakness.'
Yes, the prophesies of true prophets always come true. Here are some proof verses: Deuteronomy 18:22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.
An expectant father waits to learn the outcome of his wife’s labor and delivery. In his brief exchanges with another father-to-be the reader is apprised of Mr. Knechtmann’s history. He and his wife are holocaust survivors; their only prior child died in a displaced-person’s camp in Germany--and there is no one to carry on the proud family name if this infant is not healthy. A bored nurse comes to inform Heinz that he has a son and everyone is well.