a. Many parts of Latin America were fed up with the dictatorial rule of the Spanish Crown and consequently fought for and won independence.
The independence of Latin American countries in the early 19th century is often the fruit of the desire of local elites (criollos) for more political power combined with the spreading of libertarian ideals, inspired by the French Revolution and the establishment of a free United States of America.
Answer: D.Protestant Reformation
Ninety-five Theses, propositions for debate concerned with the question of indulgences, written (in Latin) and possibly posted by Martin Luther on the door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church), Wittenberg, on October 31, 1517. This event came to be considered the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
Spain sent explorers to America to find gold and the most efficient way to Asia.
Cotton was the most important
According to the Supreme Court, in the preventive release hearings the accused enjoys the right to be out of jail, while his case is pending. A bond is a contract in which a defendant pays to get out of jail.
In preventite release hearings, they focus more on the general conditions of bail to ensure certain objectives while the defendant is on bail. These pretrial objectives may include protecting the community from the crime, ensuring the safety of the victim and ensuring the appearance of the accused at later dates in court.
The success or lack of success of a defendant can influence the decision of a judge later during the sentence.