In the media they showed sport personalities such as footballers as a negative way and only showing this way, and this can influence people who are fans of the players or the team and they will follow them in their footsteps that can lead to others acting to ppl in a negative way
Three hundred four million nine hundred sixty seven thousand
I'd say B and D. Elementary school reports don't necessarily equate to knowledge of a subject (and research on the branches of government doesn't help you know <em>how</em> to govern), so A is out. C is nice, but popularity and charm do not a leader make, he might have ulterior motives to being as such, maybe taking advantage of the power? B and D show things he has done that would give him useful skills in the position.
Hey there,
The correct answer is blogs. Blogs are the platform where you can write about personal topics and comment on other posts and comments and others can read on what you have written in your blog.
Hope this helps ^_^
Answer:he is manipulative corrupt and ambitious