Un sistema operativo es el software más importante de tu computador, ya que se encarga de gestionar el hardware, el acceso a la memoria, acceso a la CPU y controlar gran parte de las tareas que lleva a cabo tu computador.
ipconfig (short for <em>internet protocol configuration</em>) is a command line tool used for determining the network connection configuration of a computer. Some of these configuration information are;
i. the IP address of the computer
ii. default gateway address
iii. subnet mask
iv. Media Access Control (MAC) address.
They make it easy to quickly see relationships between ideas.
A concept is an idea or a principle that could be used to understand an abstract notion. A conceptual note is one that makes the relationship between ideas easily discernible.
Without breaking much sweat or reading too deeply, the reader would find it easier to easily determine the relationship between ideas and how they relate to the subject matter. Conceptual notes can be taken on a laptop or paper.
Explanation:Makes since to look over the notes each night before the exam