the movie inside out.
The charaters in the movie insideout wear clothing associated with the emotional they feel inside , for example ,the character "sadness" , sadness appears to be a small blue glowing character with a blue shirt (blue being associated with sad or tears), sadness the character doesnt even need to have diologue for the audience of the movie to understand that her facial features/clothing is all connected to her emotions or what she is thinking... The same for all other characters such as the character ... if this is an assignment that I could help you with specificaly and you don't understand please reach out to me somehow , snap is kaylee.martin15
If you know the material your getting tested on, study it. What type of reading test like a spelling test or like a reading reading test for you to learn how to read...?
Brainliest answer refers to the best answer out of the two answers you get when asked a question. You can choose one answer as brainliest. There should be a mark as brainliest option at the bottom right corner of their answer.
The reader has direct access to the inner thoughts and feelings of Poe's narrator but not those of Mr. Hyde.
Its helpful When it help us to understand how others are feeling so we can respond appropriately to the situation.