<span>B Degrading someone ultimately causes a person to become inferior to those they believe to be subordinate.</span>
He is investigating the rumored haunting at Lorraine Castle. The other characters in the story are the three elderly caretakers, who the narrator initially finds disturbing.
"The Red Room" is that he gradually becomes unhinged by fear. During his night in the red room he feels incredibly uneasy, as if there's a ghostly presence lurking around.
This is the definition of a newspaper.
A newspaper is a periodical publication, which means it is published at regular intervals - usually daily or weekly. Newspapers contain news, opinions, advertising, and features. Some newspapers can focus on local events and news while others may concern national and international ones. Since more and more people are looking information up online, periodicals such as newspapers and magazines are having their formats changed, no longer being printed in paper.
Yes! I think that the speaker believes in life after death.
In this concept of Annabel Lee, we see from Lines 34 - 37 that the speaker spoke about having "...dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee" and feeling "...the bright eyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee".
The speaker uses these lines to imply that Annabel Lee still lives on. The speaker sees it impossible for her to be separated from Lee.
This poem reveals the love that existed between the speaker and Annabel Lee. Also, it shows the tragic death of Annabel Lee.
But the speaker finds it hard to be separated from the one she loves.
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