guys islam is the right religion i sware look just look up everything about it and then decide. Everything
to become a muslim say this "Ash-hadu anla elaha illa-Allah wa ash-hadu anna Mhammadur rasul-Allah", which translates to "I testify that there is no other god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is Allah's messenger.
trust in me
C, a little depressed. Brooding is close to showing deep unhappiness of thought.
Well I don't see any options so my guess would be:
Don't pick any opinions because if your writing a research paper then you should have your paper based off of facts and things you have seen off of the internet.
Hope this helps and Have a wonderful day!
Unemployment in creased because lots of places were bombed
I am Adam Smith
Dear Karl Marx
I write to you to explain, respectfully, why your economic theories are wrong.
First of all, capitalism is not doomed to fail as you say. Capitalism is the best economic system we have developed so far. Capitalism allows the free movement of goods and services, and the accumulation of capital, which leads to economic growth, and the subsequent rise in the standards of living. You yourself recognize this fact.
Secondly, capitalism is not fundamentally unfair. It is true that entrepreneurs tend to earn more than workers, but this is because they risk more than them: they risk their capital and savings, and if the business fails, they could find themselves ruined and in debt.
Finally, I do understand that there are flaws with the system, and I support intelligent intervention to solve these flaws. But it is not socialism nor communism what will solve those flaws.
Sincelery, Adam Smith.