A. noun because 'To play baseball' is the subject of the sentence
Plumb= Element chimic metalic, moale și greu, maleabil, de culoare cenușie-albăstruie, lucios în momentul obținerii sau când este așchiat sau pilit proaspăt, rău conducător de căldură și de electricitate.
Ispravă= Faptă, treabă, acțiune dusă (cu bine) până la capăt, îndeplinită cu succes.
Castel=<span> Clădire mare, medievală, prevăzută cu turnuri și cu creneluri, înconjurată de ziduri și de șanțuri, care servea ca locuință seniorilor feudali.</span>
Tabacheră= Cutiuță în care se păstrează tutunul sau țigările
Satir=Divinitate rustică din mitologia greacă, reprezentată printr-o ființă cu corp omenesc acoperită cu păr, cu coarne și picioare de țap
Baionetă= Armă albă de împuns, în formă de sabie scurtă, care se poate fixa la țeava puștii militare.
a se făli=<span>A se arăta mândru de cineva sau de ceva; a se mândri, a se lăuda. </span>
HELP PLEASE ASAP Read the excerpt from "On Becoming an Inventor" by Dean Kamen.
When I was twelve years old and Barton, my older brother, was around fifteen, we took over the family basement. At first, I made a darkroom for developing pictures, and Bart was using it as his lab where he was raising about one hundred white rats, removing their thymus glands, and trying to figure out the glands' dysfunction. He wanted pictures taken of his experiment, doing the surgery on rats, and since I already had a darkroom, I took the pictures, though somewhat reluctantly. I didn't like the blood.
What can you conclude about Barton from the excerpt?
He was interested in solving medical mysteries at a rather early age.
He did not understand why Dean would be squeamish about the blood.
He went on to become a very famous and successful doctor.
He had a severe dislike for rats and all other kinds of rodents.
C - It has its own structure, grammar, and word order
Explanation: Linguists have postulated that this is because the sentence contains some unpronounced -- but cognitively real -- logical variables like x and y.