Schadenfreude - pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune. Noun.
Pronunciation: /ˈSHädənˌfroidə/
Buddhism is a religious, philosophical and spiritual doctrine and has as its precept the reincarnation of the human being in order to bind us to the sufferings of the material world.
The name Zen is the name attributed to a Japanese philosophy (Ch'na) that had its origin in China around the 7th century and was then taken to the land of the rising sun. There is an association of Zen Buddhism with the Buddhist strand known as Mahayana. The basis of this strand is in the so-called zazen that would be in free translation "meditate seated".
the real answer is subway series in the newyork
and the closest one from these choices is choice A
The answer is "Binary Search algorithm".
It is an accurate method, which is used to identify an object from the list of things, that has been sorted. It operates by splitting a section of the list.
- It includes the element twice into half, until after you have reduced all the potential targets to only one.
- This algorithm works with O(n * log(n)) efficiency, that's why it is used in the array sorting, it also consumes less time.