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The Constitutional Amendments that affect that apply to the office of the president are 12th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, and 25th Amendments.
- 12th Amendment: States the rules and regulations for conducting the Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections.
- 20th Amendment: Defines the revised terms (tenure) of the offices of the President and the Vice-President.
- 22nd Amendment: Restricted the re-election of the same individual as the President of the US to two terms.
- 23rd Amendment: Speaks about the Presidential vote dispensed to the district of Columbia.
- 25th Amendment: Defines the procedure to be implemented in the cases of Presidential vacancy, inability or disability.
Ptah-Hotep and Aristotle maintained that a speaker must have a trustworthy character in order to be persuasive.
Airplanes brought several changes to our societies, lives and environment. Within the pros of this new mean of transport we can find the increase of the speed in which we travel and goods reach another shore. This affected positively the price of merchandises, which became easier to obtain around the world. What in the past was limited to be transported by land or across the sea, with the risk of never arriving, now it is very easy to obtain. Of course that they also opened a lot of new job opportunities for quite a few people. New careers were created and now a lot of people profit from this industry. Last but not least is the industry of tourism. Travelling has become much easier and practical since planes began to transport us.
On the other hand, the impact on the environment was not as good as in the others. Planes consume, and realease in the atmosphere, fosil fuels. This is limiting our natural resources at an incredible speed, apart from the fact that it contributes negatively to the matter of pollution.
(1) Solicitation and manslaughter
2) Could be charges as an accomplice and manslaughter
Explanation: the following are crimes Dan can be charged with
(A) Solicitation: the offense that consists of a person inducing another to commit a crime the specific intent that the person solicited commit the crime .Dan incited Ann in committing crime asking her help for getting cyanide which she refused initially but eventually agreed.
(B) Manslaughter Dan took the law into his hands by trying to kill the bandit and eventually killed another.
Ann got involved by agreeing to buy the cyanide which makes her a crime accomplice.
In defense, Dan could say it was an accident since there was no intent or his lawyer can make sure they prove that the prosecution does not have enough evidence