You can always go to the beach
This can be best known as a temporary, interim or emergency government. A temporary government is put in place when there is a large void due to the collapse of a large government.
Put them in prison.
The mandatory enlistment in the armed forces of a nation is known as the Draft. The origin of military conscription is dated back to ancient Mesopotamia however, the modern draft first observed during the French Revolution in 1789. The United States of America also employed conscription during the Civil War which resulted in various bloody draft riots. The resistance to the draft reached its peak during the Vietnam War.
By the later phase of 1967, a total of 15,058 killed and 109,527 wounded in Vietnam.
Therefore, the US government should Put those in prison who illegally avoid the draft.
social contract: an agreement between citizens and their government.
separation of powers
: the division of power among judicial, legislative, and executive branches.
equality: the belief that all people should be treated the same.
natural rights: rights people are born with.
The Enlightenment period refers to a philosophical and architectural development that influenced the different fields of ideas in Europe from 1600 to 1800. The main objectives of the Enlightenment thinkers were freedom, progress, rationality, liberty, and religious tolerance. e In France, the core principles of enlightenment philosophy were natural rights, the ideas of equality, liberty, and how the people should the governed in a state, in contrast to the theory of absolute monarchy and the existing dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church.